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Let's create their perfect meal plan.
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Please complete your signup for one dog at a time. All accounts will be tied to an email address. By using the same email you can log in and manage all meal plans.
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Activity Level
This couch potato doesn’t move much. Very short daily walks, or doesn’t go for regular walks.
Most dogs fall into this category. This leisurely pooch gets daily walks and likes to play.
Daily jogs or 2 hours walks, this energetic pup covers more than 8km a week and is hard to tire out!
Currently Eats
Gets Treats?
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Reproductive Status
Body Type
Body ConditionResearch has shown that pets at their ideal body condition can live up to two years longer. Use this as a guide, but take into account the natural shape of your dog. For example, Greyhounds have a naturally lean physique while Bulldogs will have a broad build, and the body shape of those with fluffy coats will not be so visible.Very Thin• Ribs, spine and hip bones are very easily seen (in short haired dogs)• Obvious loss of muscle bulk• No fat can be felt under the skinThin• Ribs, spine and hip bones easily seen• Obvious waist and abdominal tuck• Very little fat can be felt under the skinIdeal• Ribs, spine and hip bones easily felt• Visible waist with an abdominal tuck• A small amount of fat can be feltOverweight• Ribs, spine and hip bones are hard to feel• Waist barely visible with a broad back• Layer of fat on belly and at base of tailObese• Ribs, spine and hip bones extremely difficult to feelunder a thick layer of fat• No waist can be seen and belly may droop significantly• Heavy fat pads on lower back and at the base of the tail
Current Weight
Ideal Weight
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Balanced Beef
60% beef (minced beef, beef liver), brown rice, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, peas, Nutrivore nutrient blend, sunflower oil.
Complete Chicken
60% chicken (minced chicken leg, chicken liver, chicken heart), sweet potato, chickpeas, carrots, spinach, broccoli, Nutrivore nutrient blend, olive oil.
Perfect Pork
60% pork (minced pork, pork liver), sweet potato, lentils, green beans, cauliflower, apple, Nutrivore nutrient blend, sunflower oil.
Fresh Fish
50% fish (cream dory and salmon), chickpeas, sweet potato, broccoli, carrots, peas, Nutrivore nutrient blend, olive oil.
20% off2-Week Taste Trialapplied at checkout